literature evangelism


Alaska Evangelism Bible Study Lessons

Jim and Linda were also used by the Holy Spirit to develop a Bible Correspondence Study program with the help of Betty Bransford (former Superintendent Jack Bransford’s wife) and Billie Gibson (computer programmer) using Bible correspondence evangelism lessons. Through this gospel literature ministry, hundreds have found Christ as their Savior all across Alaska. Evangelism in any form is powerful. The written form of evangelism, by nature, has a long life as its pages live on. This ministry has seen as many as 2,000 students involved at some level of the program —this represents an abundance of souls that have been presented the message of Christ as well as new converts that need strengthening.

god working

Pray For:

1. Finances for literature and office equipment
2. A continual flow of new students
3. A continual spiritual growth of present students
4. A strengthening and anointing on Alaska Evangelism staff.

Jim serves as the Alaska Evangelism Director. He is assisted in this office by his wife, Linda, and volunteer help.

Using the “Great Questions of Life” lessons, the first lesson is distributed in mass quantities. As they are returned for grading, the second lesson is sent. This is repeated until the student has completed all 28 lessons of, not only the “Great Questions of Life” series but also: “Your Helpful Friend the Holy Spirit,” “Highlights in The Life of Christ,” and “Soul Winning, A Course in Witnessing.” With each series completed, the student is awarded a certificate and advanced to the next group of lessons. Once they have completed these 28 lessons, they are introduced to 18 books of study that advance them further in their study of God’s Word. All of this is at no cost to the student.

What an effective ministry this has been! Souls are continually being saved and lives are being turned around because of the power of His Word. Alaska Evangelism reaches into villages all across Alaska, many where there is no church or Pentecostal Witness. The program also reaches into many prisons in Alaska.